Bigelow & Holmes Blog — Lucida Grande

What's the Difference between Lucida Grande and Helvetica Neue?

Lucida Grande

What's the Difference between Lucida Grande and Helvetica Neue?

Both have double names, though of different meanings and origins.* Both are sans-serif typefaces, though of different design philosophies. Both have been system fonts on Macintosh OS X, though one in the past and one in the present. Both have system and non-system variants, though their character sets vary.  There are measurable differences between Lucida Grande and Helvetica Neue in letter forms, letter spacing, letter widths, and other metrics. There are qualitative differences in aesthetics, graphical origins, and design classification. There are apparent differences in readability. depending on context and text size. We discuss these in the sections that follow.  Introductory...

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